

With countries and economies becoming increasingly interconnected, many Canadian companies look to other countries to source the talent they need to operate their businesses effectively and compete at a global level. At the same time, many companies that operate internationally and have Canadian subsidiaries may need to transfer employees from other parts of the world, or students who wish to pursue a more global educational path may decide to attend a Canadian university. As Immigration Laws are often amended, Shawn Adkins Law provides advice that complies with the latest changes in regulations and that addresses the specific issues pertaining to each unique situation.

From intra-company transfer work permits to student permits, below is a comprehensive list of the services we provide:

  • Intra-company transfer work permits
  • Business Immigration by investment
  • Business Immigration advice and representation for foreign companies
  • Positive labour market opinions from Human Resource and Skills Development Canada/Service Canada
  • Single and multiple entry visitor visas, including business visitor visas
  • Spousal work permits and study permits for accompanying family members
  • Work permits under various other categories, including pursuant to international (e.g. NAFTA) and the “Significant Benefit to Canada” legislative provisions
  • Permanent Residence and Temporary Residence Applications
  • Work permits